Lesson Plan tied up at Sea Gate Marina |
The "party porch". |
I arrived at Sea Gate Marina on Wednesday night. I get tied up and go below to get things together to go up and pay for slip for the night. I hear someone from outside say, hey anybody in there? I thought great somebody probably wants to know about the boat, it seems to be the largest one in the marina. Not that I mind talking about the boat, but I had just arrived and was trying to get everything organized in the boat. It turns out, it was a local guy named Carl and he came down to invite me to sit with them once I get myself all settled in. It's dollar beer night if you are interested. A few us from the community usually gather on the back patio and swap stories on Wednesday night, he told me. It ended up being about 40 people at the gathering. It was a lot of fun. Compared to the last marina I stayed, Sneeds Ferry, NC, where the dock master helped me in, gave me the lowdown on restaurants in the the area and then disappeared, Sea Gate was a welcome change. Sorry I din't get any pictures of the gathering at Sea Gate but this porch was full.
This is an old Lesson Learned:
Don't judge the book by it's cover. This marina looked like it wasn't much, but it was the most welcoming marina I have been to so far.
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