Monday, August 7, 2017

A great visit

Scott and Paula visit Lesson Plan
(photo credit Gary)
One of the great things about doing The Loop is all the people you meet along the way and then sometimes you get the opportunity to reconnect with friends from the past. This post is overdue but better late than never.

Somewhere along the Erie Canal I got a message from a friend I hadn't seen in several years.  She said she would like to come for a visit when we get close to her area.  Paula and Scott live in Binghampton, NY, I thought well we will get as close as we can, but we are kind of limited as to where we can go. She said Rochester was only an hour away and they could meet us there.  Since we travel at a whopping 8 mph with no current and when we are running against the current we are at about 5.5 mph, it is sometimes hard to predict exactly where we will be for the evening.  We generally set a travel goal for the day, sometimes we get into port at 4:00 and sometimes its 7:00. We agreed to meet on the west side of Oneida Lake in Brewerton, now we just had to make it there at a decent hour so we could meet. Paula was following us on the live SpotTrace link so she could see our current position at the hourly updates.  We told her we thought we would be there by 5 (really thought we would be there by 4, but wanted time to freshen up before receiving visitors.
The original Fort Brewerton
We arrived at the Brewerton Free Dock only to find out the electricity was not working on the docks and there were no shower facilities. Undaunted we set about straightening up the cabin of the boat, we were having guest for the first time.

Paula and Scott showed up promptly at 5:00 with food and beer.  The food was from a local BBQ place and the beer was a local beer.  We had a great visit.

After Paula and Scott left us, we went out and explored Brewerton.  We found old Fort Brewerton and an ice cream shop, and not much else close by (maybe if we had bicycles...)

Lessons Learned: Read the guide book a little closer, some stops are better than others.

Life was meant for good friends and great adventures. - Anonymous

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